To My Missionary Son
Go, my son, and heaven bless you! I have read each precious line,
Of your heart's responsive throbbing, to a higher call than mine.
God has spoken, you have heard Him, and tho through tears, these eyes be dim,
Your affections for your Mother, shall not mar your love for Him.
Could I bid you stay from fondness, when the ever ruling hand,
Marks your path to duty clearly, and in faith you understand.
No, tis yours to be obedient, and tis mine to be as true.
Go, my son, where duty calls you, and my prayers shall follow you.
Dear to me are every pathway, which your precious feet have trod.
But I give you fondly, freely, to your mission and your God.
You and I must never falter, in the work we have to do,
Go, my son, where duty calls you, and my prayers will follow you.
I shall pray for you how often, with the waking hours of morn,
Through the labors of my household, and when the night is coming on.
If a Mother's prayer can guard you, Mid the dangers you must meet,
God will surely reunite us, on a day divinely sweet.
I have loved you from the hour, that my lips first pressed your brow,
Even tenderly, but never, quite as tenderly as now.
All I have is His who gave it, what he bids me, I must do,
Go, my son, where duty calls you, and my love shall follow you.
Heaven protect, and bless you always, Holy angels guard your way,
Keep your spirit from temptation, and keep your feet from going astray.
To your parents, ever faithful, To your God be ever true.
Go, my son, where they have called you, and my prayers shall follow you!
And my prayers will follow you!!