Monday, May 21, 2012

Hey everyone, all is well this week. I love this time of the year as a missionary because the weather is starting to cool down and not destroy us every day, and also all of your lives get more exciting and you tell me a lot more of things that are happening back there at home. I heard that you had a large Regional Conference there in Davis County. Wow I can't believe how many missionaries there are in Davis County and how many members there are either. The Area Seventy in our mission. or in other words South America Northwest Missions has asked us to accomplish that same number. 1 percent of all members of the church here should be serving missions. That makes me happy to know that we are doing that.
 Well I'm glad everything went well with Amber's bridal shower and that Uncle Daren got back from South America alright. haha Sometimes you wonder if you'll make it back in one piece because of all the weird things they do here!!!!! haha Well I'm also really happy that Dad is gettting to go bear hunting I hope he gets one!! Well I have really good news.
 We had a baptism this week!!!!!! Her name is Jimena. She is the granddaughter of one of the members here in the ward and her parents don't attend church. Her father is an inactive member and her mother isn't a member but is really supportive of her decision to be baptized. These last few weeks have been a little hard for me because it's probably been the most time I've had without a baptism my whole mission. We've been working hard but also have been busy with a lot of meetings and traveling and zone leader responsibilities. I'm really, really glad that we'll have this baptism because I know the ward will be really excited and it will motivate them a lot more to help us.
 Well to answer your questions from last week, yes grandma my companion knows about that Island Juan Fernando or Juan Fernandez I don't remember what it's called. Also I talked to the missionary from Franklin, Idaho and he said his dad served in South America and doesn't know where his relatives served but he seems pretty sure that it is one of his relatives. 
Well I'm not going to the Multi-Zone Conference this week. I only have 2 more large meetings until I end the mission. They are the 2 Zone Leader Councils, 1 in June and the other in July. I'm glad because that means I can concentrate on the work in my last few months and just stay in my area and that's the best thing ever!!!!! Anyways, I don't have more time but I love you all. I know this church is true. I know that all the counsel we receive from our leaders is inspired by God and that they usually know what's best for us. I know that obedience is one of the hardest things to learn in this life but it's why we were sent here to the Earth. So please JUST OBEY!!!!!!!! I read a scripture in Alma 61 or 62 I think the other day that says we have to fight against the bad, with words and if that's not enough, with action and the sword!!! If we always reject the bad then we'll always be happy, even if at first it doesn't seem that way.
 I share these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 
 Until next week,
 Elder Wilkinson 

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